目前分類:劇情作品 (464)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2023-12-10 | 知女莫若母 - Elena Knows | (58) | (0) |
2023-12-04 | 黑暗鬥士 - Rumble Through the Dark | (218) | (0) |
2023-12-01 | 五月的你,十二月的她 - May December | (133) | (0) |
2023-11-19 | 她來到我身邊 / 她來找我 - She Came to Me | (1170) | (0) |
2023-11-14 | 屠夫渡口 - Butcher's Crossing | (207) | (0) |
2023-11-07 | 沉默騙局 / 止痛騙 - Pain Hustlers | (161) | (0) |
2023-11-07 | 皇家酒店 - The Royal Hotel | (614) | (0) |
2023-11-03 | 埋葬 - The Burial | (893) | (0) |
2023-11-01 | 佔慾情人 / 愛與森林 - Just the Two of Us | (542) | (0) |
2023-10-09 | 人間師格 - Detachment | (25) | (0) |
2023-10-09 | 野獸特警 - Rampart | (35) | (0) |
2023-10-01 | 疑雲殺機 - The Constant Gardener | (203) | (0) |
2023-09-25 | 我的野獸 - My Animal | (145) | (0) |
2023-09-22 | 渴望 - Thirst | (28) | (0) |
2023-09-20 | 銀色薄霧 - Silver Haze | (79) | (0) |
2023-09-20 | 悖論 - Aporia | (266) | (0) |
2023-09-14 | 藍色海灣 - Blue Bayou | (76) | (0) |
2023-09-07 | 暮色漸濃 / 科索沃的夜與夜 - Darkling | (73) | (0) |
2023-09-05 | 紅色天空 - Afire | (216) | (0) |
2023-08-27 | 死亡天使 / 良心護士 - The Good Nurse | (26) | (0) |
2023-08-24 | 綠海迷蹤 - The Green Sea | (725) | (0) |
2023-08-15 | 危地諜影 - A Zone to Defend | (324) | (0) |
2023-07-28 | 黃色壁紙 - The Yellow Wallpaper | (157) | (0) |
2023-07-17 | 聖所 - Sanctuary | (1122) | (0) |
2023-07-13 | 最後的哨聲 - The Last Whistle | (3) | (0) |
2023-07-07 | 美麗.誘惑 / 花容月貌 - Jeune & Jolie | (588) | (0) |
2023-06-29 | 沉默風暴 - The Silent Storm | (32) | (0) |
2023-06-20 | 這個男人來自地獄 - Nefarious | (936) | (0) |
2023-06-19 | 追兇12夜 / 十二日的夜晚 - The Night of the 12th | (204) | (0) |
2023-06-15 | 好戲登場 - Showing Up | (495) | (0) |
2023-05-17 | 幻聽 - Tinnitus | (31) | (0) |
2023-05-17 | 錯覺 - Illusion | (54) | (0) |
2023-05-13 | 夜色中的她 / 世故的女人 - Her Way | (87) | (0) |
2023-05-13 | 巧手女孩 - The Artifice Girl | (367) | (0) |
2023-05-10 | 販愛天堂 / 怪異偽裝 - Mascarade | (88) | (0) |
2023-05-04 | 巴黎記憶 - Paris Memories | (95) | (0) |
2023-05-03 | 耶穌革命 - Jesus Revolution | (510) | (0) |
2023-04-07 | 蒙大拿故事 - Montana Story | (140) | (0) |
2023-04-07 | 寬恕與正義 - The Forgiven | (9768) | (0) |
2023-03-26 | 私人荒漠 - Private Desert | (69) | (0) |
2023-03-25 | 波士頓勒殺狂 / 波士頓絞殺手 - Boston Strangler | (196) | (0) |
2023-03-17 | 鄉鎖 - LandLocked | (255) | (0) |
2023-03-03 | 致蕾絲莉 / 致萊斯利 - To Leslie | (303) | (0) |
2023-03-02 | 療癒火山島 - Stromboli | (24) | (0) |
2023-03-01 | 騙子 / 行騙高手 - Sharper | (1004) | (0) |
2023-02-26 | 仇恨謎林 / 核磁共振 - R.M.N. | (172) | (0) |
2023-02-25 | 擦槍走火 - Bootlegger | (17) | (0) |
2023-02-12 | 懸日 - The Hanging Sun | (124) | (0) |
2023-02-10 | 水漾的女人 / 溫蒂妮 - Undine | (12) | (0) |
2023-02-06 | 滲透 - Transfusion | (954) | (0) |